A New Entry Every Sunday!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 42 - Laugh

"A good laugh is sunshine in a house" - Thackeray
Justin was the class clown. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't interrupt some lesson with his quick wit. He saw "funny" written all over everything.

You have to be careful with the class clown; however, he or she can easily take over your class, and Mr. Watkins had decided early on that this would never happen in his room.

But is became a challenge to Justin to make Mr. Watkins laugh. Justin realized that it had to be carefully planned. He also realized that it could happen more easily if he completed all his work so Mr. Watkins wouldn't have anything to complain about.

What Justin didn't know was that Mr. Watkins was struggling every day NOT to laugh. He didn't want to give Justin the satisfaction.

But Justin was hilarious! The more Mr. Watkins avoided eye contact, the more Justin attracted attention to himself. It was becoming a stressful situation for Mr. Watkins. He began getting tension headaches and would end the day in a grumpy mood.

Then one day it happened. Mr. Watkins let go and laughed out loud!

The class was shocked; the clown was jubilant! The teacher was relieved.

Headaches gone, Mr. Watkins realized that laughter really was the best medicine. He decided to take a dose each day.

If handled well, laughter can be used to your advantage. Let students see you laugh, and you let them see your heart.

Prompt: Things that make me laugh are. . .

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