A New Entry Every Sunday!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week 36 - Success

"The rain falls on all the fields, but crops grow only in those that have been tilled and sown" - Chinese Proverb

Teacher in-service is a necessary evil.

With so many changes being implemented, it's difficult to stay up on what is expected. Training is demanded and budgets are crunched in order to meet the needs.

Workshops take up almost every free moment. When you sit in an auditorium full of hundreds of teachers (many of whom would rather be somewhere else) and learn about a promising new strategy, have you ever noticed that only a few actually carry out the recommendations?

That's because it depends on whether or not a teacher is returning to a school that values innovation and embraces change. It depends on whether there is an administrator who frees up teacher time so they can employ new approaches. It depends on the needs of the teacher.

How similar is this phenomenon to what happens in your classroom every day? You teach a new concept and only a small percentage latch onto it right away.

The future success of your students will depend on whether or not you have created an environment that welcomes questions. It depends on whether you give them the time they need to master topics. It depends on whether you're meeting the needs of your students.

Set your students up for success.

Prompt: I can create an environment conducive to success by . . .

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