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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 21 - Reproof

"It is a sheer waste of time to imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different." - Dr. Frank Crane
Bob simply couldn't get comfortable in his school environment. There were so many things he wished were different. To add to this he was the only male teacher on his team.

If there were more men here, he thought, maybe I'd feel more a part of things. He had been a math major in college and went into teacher as an afterthought. It was not his original intention, and he was uncertain in his teaching skills.

Constantly he analyzed situations looking for things that could have been done differently. And his colleagues were tired of his constant deliberating on these matters.

Most of the time, the other teachers just quietly ate their lunch as Bob complained. One day Bob muttered, "If only things were different. . ."

Finally, one of his friends spoke up and said, "But they aren't different. Get over it and go on!"

Bob looked stunned, just as if he had been slapped across the face. After a moment, his face softened, and he realized his friend was right. It was that very statement that enabled Bob to transform his perspective, move on, and enjoy his position as a teacher.

Hearing the truth can be painful, but try to remember that a friend's reproof is rooted in love, and can be an opportunity for change.

Things can be different only if you make them different.

Prompt: What truth do I need to accept that will enable me to let go of roadblocks to my own happiness? What do I need that will help me move forward?

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